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est. April 2021

Amplifi's website!

I'm Amplifi! Welcome to my Gemini capsule, here's some stuff I like:

Study notes

Introduction to my study notes

2021-05-03 - [German] Big Brain Study Tips

2021-05-03 - [Science] Quantitive Chemistry - Part 1

2021-04-29 - [Irish] Cartaí Poist - Louis De Paor (Dán)

2021-04-28 - [Irish] An Modh Coiníollach (the conditional tense) - Part 1

2021-04-28 - [Irish] An Modh Coiníollach (the conditional tense) - Part 2


2021-04-25 - [blog] WSL is awesome!

2021-04-18 - [blog] Setanta Programming Language (as gaielge)

2021-04-17 - [blog] Keyboard Layouts

2021-04-12 - [tutorial] Improving Android

2021-04-09 - [resource] Software I like

2021-04-08 - [personal] Thoughts on the Gemini Protocol

2021-04-07 - [resource] File dump (updated frequently?)

2021-04-06 - [personal] How I make music!

2021-04-06 - [ingore lmao] Hello World!


Stuff i've done

I made an amfora config

translated Archo Music into Irish

translated OpenBlocks into Irish

Cool stuff on the smolnet

Tic Tac Toe

a message board

where can you find me?

more to come, i hope

😎 gemini://amplifibeats.pollux.casa/